John 2:23-3:21, part two
/This sermon continues a consideration of the remarkable presentation of the gospel to Nicodemus.
sermons | study
These are sermons preached during our Sunday worship services. (Recordings were not always successful, so there are gaps in the postings.)
This sermon continues a consideration of the remarkable presentation of the gospel to Nicodemus.
Sometimes it is helpful to begin a consideration of the truth by contrasting it with a common misunderstanding.
In his words to Pilate, Jesus provides us with clear teaching on the nature of his kingdom and the place of human government under the sovereign rule of God. It is important that we understand what it means for Jesus to be king and the implications of his kingship for our thinking about the earthly governments under which we live.
The narratives of Christ and Simon Peter in this text perfectly confirm Jesus’ words that “Of those whom you gave me I have lost not one.” By giving his own life in atonement for Peter and for all his elect, Jesus saves them. This passage is not to be read as a moralistic story to elicit from us better behavior. Rather, here Scripture shows us Jesus as the one who is the only true and faithful witness to God without sin, the one who made the only good confession not marred by any wavering from his Father’s will, and by that confession accomplished our redemption.
This sermon opens a series on the Bible's teaching concerning itself with a focus upon what is referred to as the doctrine of sola Scriptura, or Scripture alone. The Bible, and the Bible alone is the standard, the authoritative Word of God for his people.