Matthew 6:13
/This message considers the sixth petition of the model prayer that Jesus gives his disciples. This petition brings us to the acknowledgment of our greatest need and God’s greatest grace towards us.
sermons | study
These are sermons preached during our Sunday worship services. (Recordings were not always successful, so there are gaps in the postings.)
This message considers the sixth petition of the model prayer that Jesus gives his disciples. This petition brings us to the acknowledgment of our greatest need and God’s greatest grace towards us.
What a blessing it is that our Lord himself has taught us how to pray!
Our text today is the third of the petitions in the model prayer that Jesus gave to his disciples.
The second of the three petitions with which the Lord’s Prayer begins draws our attention to the theme of king and kingdom that is prominent in Matthew’s Gospel.
“Hallowed be thy name” calls us to give our attention to the holiness of God.
Coming to God in prayer is an incredible privilege given by God to his people, and each line of the model prayer given by Jesus to his disciples merits our careful consideration.