Luke 2:21-39
/Thank you for joining me in considering this text!
sermons | study
These are sermons preached during our Sunday worship services. (Recordings were not always successful, so there are gaps in the postings.)
Thank you for joining me in considering this text!
I enjoyed discovering things about this text that I had not noticed previously.
This familiar passage illustrates many biblical themes, including the historicity of the Christian faith and the sovereignty of God.
This well know text is always worth a new consideration.
This message considers the purpose Luke was inspired to give for his writing.
In this text, Matthew gives us the third of a trio of parables told by Jesus.
This text is the first of three parables told by Jesus in the temple setting.
The religious and political elite seek to verbally trap Jesus, but he counters the with a response that shows his genius.
This text includes important teaching on prayer.
This message begins a consideration of one of the most interesting of Jesus’ miraculous works.
This passage relates what is commonly referred to as the triumphal entry.
This dramatic narrative concludes this section of Matthew’s Gospel.
Once again in this passage, we find the theme of the misunderstanding of the disciples and Jesus reteaching key kingdom truth.
This is Jesus’ most complete prophetic word concerning his suffering in Matthew’s Gospel.
Jesus’ encounter with a wealthy young man leads into a dialogue with Peter and the other disciples.
This encounter between an unnamed man and Jesus gives us the opportunity to reflect on our own relationship with him.
Jesus uses an occasion involving children to provide important teaching concerning the kingdom of God.
A response from Jesus’ disciples leads into a consideration of a biblical view of singleness.
This sermon continues to consider Jesus’ response to the Pharisees’ attempt at entrapping him. (The previous Sunday sermon is not posted, due to technical difficulties.)