Romans 8:12-17

It is interesting to note that the terms the flesh and death occur frequently in the first half of chapter eight of Romans, but in this text there is a shift, and at the same time the appearance of the terms sonschildren, and heirs. This reflects the focus on the Spirit in this chapter, and the Spirit's role in the lives of believers to overcome the flesh and to enjoy the blessings of being God's children.

Romans 8:9-11

The Holy Spirit is central to the teaching of Romans 8, and in this text there is an important affirmation of the truth that the Spirit indwells all of the members of the Body of Christ, the Church. This doctrine has remarkable implications for our understanding of what it is to be a Christian in the here and now, and it gives us an unshakeable hope for eternity.

Romans 7:13-20

Sound theology always begins with objective truth before considering subjective experience, and that pattern is seen in the Epistle to the Romans. In presenting the gospel, Paul has first laid a foundation of truths and now in chapter 7 speaks of his personal experience. His example here will deepen our own understanding of God and of ourselves as his people.

Romans 6:15-23

It has often been commented that Paul is a master teacher, and one method an excellent teacher uses is to present the same basic truth from different perspectives, so that those learning gain a thorough grasp of that truth. In our passage today, Paul underscores the teaching that the gospel, not human effort or will, provides the only truly comprehensive means of dealing with human sin, but he does so from a different viewpoint from that used in the first half of this chapter. 

Romans 5:12-21, part two

God deals with us not as autonomous individuals, but as creatures corporately made in his image. This reality seems strange to our post-modern perspective, but Romans 5 and other passages reveals how our identity in Adam as sinners explains our natural human condition, and how God rescues us out of slavery to sin and death by giving us a new identity in Christ, experienced through our union with him by faith. 

Romans 5:12-21, part one

It is a blessing and privilege to preach God's Word, and that is especially in my thoughts as I post this sermon on a passage that is so rich in truth! On this Lord's Day when we also had the blessing and privilege of the Lord's Supper together, I was also reminded of the intimate connection between the gospel preached both through the exposition of God's Word and the sharing of the Sacraments.