Philippians 1:27-2:11, Matthew Burt preaching

Chapter and verse divisions were of course not in the original documents inspired by the Holy Spirit, and sometimes the verse or chapter breaks come at inappropriate places. That is the case with this passage, which is clearly a literary unit. My friend Matthew Burt entitled this sermon “A Completed Joy.”

Daniel 2:25-49

This passage presents the first of several dreams and visions in the book of Daniel. Like Joseph before him, Daniel is a believer who interprets the dream of a pagan ruler. There are several similarities to be seen between Joseph and Daniel, not only in their circumstances, but in their characters. We also see in both narratives an emphasis on the sovereignty of God.

Daniel 1, part two

The opening narrative sets out the major theme for the book of Daniel: the sovereignty of God. It is this truth that forms the center point of the faith and world view of four Hebrew teenagers who must determine how to live in an alien culture. Followers of Christ today need the same center point for our faith and world view, so the book of Daniel has much to teach us.

Genesis 17

The Bible frequently uses the concept of covenant to describe the relationship of God as King to his people. A covenant–in contrast to a contract–is based upon personal promises made by the person or persons who establish the covenant. The covenants that God makes are based upon his promises to his people. Their response to his promises is to trust him and submit to his will. The Old Testament (or Old Covenant) sacrament of circumcision and the New Covenant sacrament of baptism are signs performed by his people that demonstrate their faith in God’s act of bringing them into covenant relationship with himself